Thursday, July 3, 2008


I have spent hours weeding this garden. There never seems to be an end to the weeding! I don't mind it, really. It is nice when I can spend some time getting exercise and feeling good about things in the cool evening breeze. It is too hot to weed in the day time, and rightly so. I also can't take the kids out because they don't have patience to wait for me or watch me. They want me close and they want to be held. My daughter will help periodically, but she gets bored with it.

It's a big garden, and there is lots to do. I have been focusing on the weeds closer to the plants rather than in between rows. I would do more other weeding but as it is I really am the only one (there are a few in together with the garden) who does anything and so I will do the most important weeding.

Today I tried to rid some of the potato plants of bugs but it was too hot to stay out for long. I will go out tonight and weed the second row of beans. It takes about an hour to get the row done and it gives me a good sense of accomplishment. If I had the money and resources I would also stake up the plants, including the tomato plants, but I do not have things available yet. Building up tools and resources for gardening will take time and I will just have to get things as they come, in time.

By the way, did I mention I can't eat the strawberries. They are wild. They weren't deliberately planted but probably came by way of mulch and the mower just doesn't get that close to the house. Oh well, they were pretty anyway.

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