Wednesday, June 11, 2008


When I left to go on vacation a few weeks ago, appro. 3 weeks now, there were peas and lettuce coming up in the garden. When I arrived home my neighbors had finished planting the rest of the garden, I still have no idea yet of what they planted but it just broke ground, and the potato plants were thriving well. My lettuce, or at least a little less than half, looks great. The rest of the lettuce has been chewed down by groundhogs. My peas, well, I am assuming they disappeared to some sort of critter as well, or they didn't grow beyond what I saw them at. There are so many weeds I can barely see the lettuce.

In retrospect, I should've waited to plant everything until after I got home. It would not have been too late. Since the rest of the garden space had been utilized by the neighbor, and I don't want to not plant any of my own stuff, I took the rest of my seeds to the area I dedicated for blueberries and raspberries. There was still a lot of cleared 'garden' area so I planted what I had. I also wanted my daughter to learn how to garden and have the experience so I let her plant whatever she wanted. I did the most important.

The place I planted this stuff is good soil and a good location. I think I will plant more there next year, although there is rye growing there now. My daughters seed have already broken ground, that took less than a week, and I am already weeding like crazy. It's like the weeds didn't want to come until real stuff was planted. If everything works out we will have a small crop of food from this section of land. If I work on the larger garden, the neighbor will share the crop with me since I will be doing work on it.